Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Based on these data, recommendations ...

symptoms of pneumococcal pneumonia

His group includes a large number of drugs with different chemical properties. Their common link that they stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria. It should be noted that in the human body and its surface is home to hundreds of species of microbes. Total weight of bacteria normally live in the intestines - more pounds! These microorganisms perform many useful functions for people. Perhaps chief among them - they have no right in their local party environment, thereby protecting us from many infectious diseases. One of the difficulties of using antibiotics that kill bacteria and as useful as evidence that their purpose must be strictly weighed, and their appointment should be a doctor. The reason for the antibiotics doctors believe that the inflammation caused by bacteria, viruses, because no virus antibiotics do not work, and most intestinal infections and colds are caused by viruses in nature. The second problem associated with antibiotic therapy that not all drugs in this group are all bacteria. Thus, the choice of a particular product is based on the idea that germs caused disease. But even in this case can not be completely sure that an antibiotic will help, because many organisms for many years the use of antibiotics developed resistance to their influence (resistance). Information that the frequency of resistant strains of specific microbes to specific products is constantly updated and heard doctors. Based on these data, the recommendations of doctors that the drugs are best used. Naturally, patients are not able to find the right drug is effective, so it is best to do this with your doctor. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics, especially powerful, it increases the number of resistant strains of pathogens. For the treatment of diseases caused by these strains required more and more powerful antibacterial drugs often have serious side effects. Another important thing to remember patient is assigned an antibacterial drug. You must take it all the time ordered by a doctor and strictly follow the reception. It often happens that after one or two days of falling temperature decreases or disappears symptoms related to the patient, and he stopped taking medication. So you can not do in any case, because it can lead to chronic disease, developing complications, a new outbreak. At the same antibiotic may not help in this case, you must change it to another. In addition, the strattera prescription partial destruction of bacteria leads to the appearance among them resistant (resistant) strains. .

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